
regarding your suggestions:

the suggestoin regarding ignoring spaces is very easy and goes as follows:
on *:INPUT:*:{
  if (/* !iswm $1) {
    if ($active == status window) { haltdef | echo -a $+(<,$me,>) $1- }
    if (%trivia.status == on) {
      var %text = $remove($strip($1-),$chr(32))
      if (%text == $remove(%trivia.answer,$chr(32))) trivia.win 
      elseif ($1 == !hint) trivia.echo Second Hint: $trivia.hint(%trivia.answer).2
      elseif ($1 == !!hint) trivia.echo Third Hint: $trivia.hint(%trivia.answer).3

So just replace this on input event with the former one, and then the script will totally ignore all spaces.

So if the answer to a question is: i live in helsinki then it will even trigger as correct if you type: iliveinhelsinki

As for the other 2 suggestions: I cannot script those, because it involves complex string matching, where u need a difficult algorithm to compare a string containing multiple words with another strong containing multiple words. It's not a pickle to script that in say 10 mins lol.

Besides, picture this possible answer: from point a to x and then all the way to z

If you allow 1 or two false letters, then the following answer would be correct: from point z to f and then all the way to z

You see where I'm going with this, hehe.

Nevertheless, I have a strong suspicion that someone with decent regex skills could come up with something, but my knowledge simply doesnt reach that far yet.

I'm planning to study "Informatics/Programming" after I get my "Applied Economic Science" degree, so who knows, maybe in 2 years from here I'll be able to script those suggestions for you grin

Good luck!
