
well the odd characters are definitely a problem, not only to store the questions/answers which contain these odd characters, but also simply mirc not showing them. E.g. if i paste the alpha symbol from word to Mirc, mirc translates it to a regular a.

I don't know much of fonts in general or mirc, so I suppose its best to ask this in the mirc help section, as it is not really related to scripting. But you should try to find out which font supports those weird characters.

Btw, suppose that we find a solution..there is still the matter of having to type those odd characters in mirc. I don't have alpha or beta or greek characters on my keyboard, so how would u type these things in mirc if e.g. an answer to a question involves greek characters?

As for the retrieving of text from .doc files. Personally i don't know how to do that...I havent gotten into COM scripting yet, but I think it should be possible to read lines from a .doc file using COM. Though I cannot (yet) help you with that, as it involves non-regular mirc commands which i'm not familiar with (I'm not a programmer, i study Economics :tongue:)

Hash tables do not help the problem, as they will have to load the questions from a file first, and the whole problem is storing those weird characters in a file. I've tried to /hload a .doc file into a hash table, and the result was pretty ugly :tongue:

Anyway, I'm way too tired right now to be thinking clearly, so I'll read this thread again tomorrow lol.

Good luck,

