First, goto ALT+O > Display > Options > Tray > and select [x] Place mIRC in Tray when minimized.

When you want to walk away from mIRC, hold down the CTRL Key while you are Minimizing. This will prompt you to feed it a New Password (and verify it). When you attempt to open mIRC again, you will be required to enter this password in order to access it. You only have to enter a New Password once per mIRC session, but have to press CTRL each time you Minimize.

Note, there is a small cosmetic bug that sometimes occures when CTRL + Minimizing for the first time. Sometimes the New Password dialog gets minimized along with mIRC and you have to open mIRC again to enter the New Password. Once you do this, CTRL + Minimize again will lock it for sure.

- Raccoon

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!