1) you'd have to do /timerwooN (where N is a number - mirc wont automatically do it for you) UNLESS you DONT name it in which case mirc will do this:

/timer 1 60 //echo blah
/timer 1 60 //echo blah
/timer 1 60 //echo blah
/timer 1 60 //echo blah
/timer 1 60 //echo blah

Shows in mirc's status screen (if you're in that window):

* Timer 1 1 time(s) 60s delay //echo blah
* Timer 2 1 time(s) 60s delay //echo blah
* Timer 3 1 time(s) 60s delay //echo blah
* Timer 4 1 time(s) 60s delay //echo blah
* Timer 5 1 time(s) 60s delay //echo blah

2) /help $timer - Using the $timer identifyer, you can do:

//echo $timer(N).secs - where N is a timer number
//echo $timer(NAME).secs - where NAME is a timer's name

3) not sure what you mean specifically, /timers would show all active timers

Hope the above helps

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