alias folder {
  var %x
  if $prop == size { .echo -q $findfile($1,*.*,0,inc %x $file($1-)) }
  elseif $prop == files { .echo -q $findfile($1,*.*,0,var %x = %x $nopath($1-) $+ $chr(44) $+ $chr(32)) }
  elseif $prop == filecount { var %x = $findfile($1,*.*,0) }
  elseif $prop == folder { .echo -q $finddir($1,*,0,var %x = %x $gettok($1-,-1,$asc(\)) $+ $chr(44) $+ $chr(32)) }
  elseif $prop == foldercount { var %x = $finddir($1,*,0) }
  elseif !$prop || $prop == isdir { var %x = $isdir($1) }
  if $right(%x,1) == $chr(44) { %x = $left(%x,-1) }
  return %x

small snippet i made


.size will return the size of the folder
.files will return the files in the folder
.filecount will return the amount of files in the folder
.folders will return the folders in the folder
.foldercount will return the amount of folders in the folder
.isdir or no property will return if the directory exists or not

New username: hixxy