This is most likely some sort of script file. Viruses don't tend to use /remove, although it's possible (they could be trying to remove valuable files) - most networks have a virus help channel (DALnet - #NoHack, Undernet - #DMsetup) and they know the various commands to help you track the virus.

Personally, I suggest using this thread to detect the latest viruses. The guys 'n' gals also suggest using this script to detect some common mIRC infections (that's a direct download).

I would say it's a badly coded script however, as it's trying to use the /remove command but has not used quotes where appropriate so spaces in directory paths are not completed (So if you're trying to access "C:\Documents and Settings" it will only get to "C:\Documents" as is occuring).

It's best to be safe than sorry however smile - G'luck!

Edit: I think everyone's on pep pills lately, by the time I'd done all those [url links two other posts had been submitted! <G>

