Here's my suggestion. Use %variable for badword list instead of file.

[color:red]set %bad_word_list badword1 badword2 badword3 [and so on] [/color] 
on @*:text:*:#: {
  var %i = $numtok(%bad_word_list,32)
  while (%i) {
    if ($istok($1-,$gettok(%bad_word_list,%i,32),32)) {
      kick $chan $nick No swearing allowed on $chan
    dec %i

You can manually enter variable %bad_word_list to script editor's variable section and remove red part from my script. If you don't want this event to trigger on every channel you have ops, you should specify channels like this:

on @*:text:*:#chan1,#chan2,#chan3: { Rest of the script }

Last edited by Derethil; 08/04/04 06:18 PM.