What I would like to be able to do is the same check again say every 5 mins

You definitely don't need to repeat this check. You only do it once: when you join the channel, and your whois on-join (I assume you already have one wink) will take care of the rest. Try this code:
alias mwhois {
  ; Syntax: /mwhois [in the channel window or from an event]
  [color:purple]; OK, let's figure out what we have here...
  ; This command scans the channel nicklist and writes only
  ; regular users to tmp.txt
  ; The regex pattern /^[^@+]/ excludes users with status symbol
  ; Regex Tutorial: http://www.mircscripts.org/comments.php?id=989
  filter -wflcg # tmp.txt $+(/^[^,$prefix,]/)
  ; This part is tricky. To understand how it works you'd have
  ; to read the help file...
  ; (hint: "whois" plays a special role here)
  .play -a raw whois tmp.txt 5000