alias checkall {
;Declare %i and set it to 1
var %i 1
;while ( %i'th nickname in the #channel exists ) { do stuff }
while $nick(#channel,%i) {
;the 'stuff' to do, set a timer as someones nick
;+ 1, i.e. timerjoe 1
/timer [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
;make sure each timer is 15 seconds longer than the previous, so the first nickname will get checked in 15 secs, 2nd in 30 etc.
$calc(%i *15)
;then do my check ( a whois) on nick 1 on #channel
yourcheck $nick(#channel,%i)
;then increase %i by 1

the timer line has to be on one line ;-]
basically the while () part checks that there is an "%i'th" nickname in the channel, so $nick(#,1) will be the first nick, $nick(#,2) the second etc, so %i loops through to get them all.

New username: hixxy