well... here is my mirc bot linker:
 alias bnsetvars {
  ;##set this to a port you want to listen for bots on##
  set %bnport 3004
  ;##set this to a pass you want for your bot##
  set %bnpass triv
  ;##set this to your bots name##
  set %bnnick Commando
alias bnlisten {
  socklisten botnet %bnport
on 1:socklisten:botnet:{
  sockaccept connecting
  echo botnet notice: connecting bot connecting
  sockwrite connecting name: %bnnick $crlf
on 1:sockread:connecting:{
  sockread %bntemp
  echo connecting bot sent: %bntemp

  IF ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == ack:) {
    echo connecting bot sent ack... sending pass request
    sockwrite connecting pass? $crlf

  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == pass:) {
    if ($gettok(%bntemp,2,32) == %bnpass) {
      sockmark connecting pass
      sockwrite connecting notice: PASS ACCECPTED -- WAITING FOR NICK $crlf
      sockwrite connecting name? $crlf
      bnsuccess connecting bot sent pass -- pass accectped
    ELSE {
      sockwrite connecting error: WRONG PASS -- CLOSING LINK $crlf
      sockclose connecting
      bnerror connecting bot sent pass -- pass rejected -- closing link
  ELSEIF ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == name:) {
    if ($sock(connecting).mark == pass) {
      sockwrite connecting success: WELCOME $gettok(%bntemp,2,32) -- YOU ARE NOW CONNECTED TO THE BOTNET $crlf
      sockrename connecting BN- $+ $gettok(%bntemp,2,32)
      bnsuccess $gettok(%bntemp,2,32) IS NOW CONNECTED TO THE BOTNET
    ELSE {
      sockwrite connecting error: you did not send the pass -- connection rejected -- closing link
      sockclose connecting
      bnerror connecting bot did not send pass -- connection rejected -- closing link
  unset %bntemp
alias bnsendall {
  sockwrite BN-* $1- $crlf
alias bnsend {
  sockwrite BN- $+ $1 $2- $crlf
alias bnerror {
  echo 4,1botnet error: $1- $crlf
  bnsendall error: $1- $crlf
alias bnsuccess {
  echo 9,1botnet success: $1- $crlf
  bnsendall success: $1- $crlf
alias bnnotice {
  echo 8,1botnet notice: $1- $crlf
  bnsendall notice: $1- $crlf
on 1:sockread:BN-*:{
  sockread %bntemp

  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == ping:) {
    sockwrite $sockname pong: $gettok(%bntemp,1,32)
    echo botnet ping pong

  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == pong:) {
    echo botnet recieved pong from $mid($sockname,3,0)

  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == op:) {
    /mode $gettok(%bntemp,2,32) +o $gettok(%bntemp,3,32)

  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == deop:) {
    /mode $gettok(%bntemp,2,32) -o $gettok(%bntemp,3,32)

  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == voice:) {
    /mode $gettok(%bntemp,2,32) +v $gettok(%bntemp,3,32)

  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == devoice:) {
    /mode $gettok(%bntemp,2,32) -v $gettok(%bntemp,3,32)

  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == hop:) {
    /mode $gettok(%bntemp,2,32) +h $gettok(%bntemp,3,32)

  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == dehop:) {
    /mode $gettok(%bntemp,2,32) -h $gettok(%bntemp,3,32)

  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == rejoin:) {
    /part $gettok(%bntemp,2,32)
    /join $gettok(%bntemp,2,32)

  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == join:) {
    /join $gettok(%bntemp,2,32)

  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == part:) {
    /part $gettok(%bntemp,2,32)

  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == mode:) {
    /mode $gettok(%bntemp,2-,32)

  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == topic:) {
    /topic $gettok(%bntemp,2-,32)

  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == error:) {
    echo 4,1botnet error: $gettok(%bntemp,2-,32)

  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == success:) {
    echo 9,1botnet success: $gettok(%bntemp,2-,32)

  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == notice:) {
    echo 8,1botnet notice: $gettok(%bntemp,2-,32)

  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == server:) {
    server -m $gettok(%bntemp,2-,32)

  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == current:) {

  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == say:) {
    /msg $gettok(%bntemp,2,32) $gettok(%bntemp,3-,32)

  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == act:) {
    /msg $gettok(%bntemp,2,32) $chr(1) $+ ACTION $gettok(%bntemp,3-,32) $+ $chr(1)

  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == kick:) {
    /kick $gettok(%bntemp,2,32) $gettok(%bntemp,3,32) $gettok(%bntemp,4-,32)

  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == auser:) {
    auser $gettok(%bntemp,3,32) $gettok(%bntemp,2,32)
  if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == pass?) {
    echo sent pass
    sockwrite $sockname pass: %bntmppass $crlf
    unset %bntmppass
  ELSEIF ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == name?) {
    echo sent name
    sockwrite $sockname name: %bnnick $crlf

  unset %bntemp

alias /bnping {
  if ($1 = all) {
    bnsendall ping: %bnnick
    } else {
    bnsend $1 ping: %bnnick
alias /bnop {
  bnsendall op: $1 $2
alias /bndeop {
  bnsendall deop: $1 $2
alias /bnvoice {
  bnsendall voice: $1 $2
alias /bndevoice {
  bnsendall devoice: $1 $2
alias /bnhop {
  bnsendall hop: $1 $2
alias /bndehop {
  bnsendall dehop: $1 $2
alias /bnrejoin {
  if ($1 = all) {
    bnsendall rejoin: $2
    } else {
    bnsend $1 rejoin: $2
alias /bnsay {
  if ($1 = all) {
    bnsendall say: $2 $3-
    } else {
    bnsend $1 say: $2 $3-
alias /bnact {
  if ($1 = all) {
    bnsendall act: $2 $3-
    } else {
    bnsend $1 act: $2 $3-
alias /bnkick {
  bnsendall kick: $1 $2 $3-

alias /bnjoin {
  if ($1 = all) {
    bnsendall join: $2
    } else {
    bnsend $1 join: $2
alias /bnpart {
  if ($1 = all) {
    bnsendall part: $2
    } else {
    bnsend $1 part: $2
alias /bnmode {
  bnsendall mode: $1 $2
alias /bntopic {
  bnsendall topic $1 $2
alias /bnerror {
  if ($1 = all) {
    bnsendall error: $2-
    } else {
    bnsend $1 error: $2-
alias /bnsuccess {
  if ($1 = all) {
    bnsendall success: $2-
    } else {
    bnsend $1 success: $2-
alias /bnnotice {
  if ($1 = all) {
    bnsendall notice: $2-
    } else {
    bnsend $1 notice: $2-
alias /bnserver {
  if ($1 = all) {
    bnsendall server: $2
    } else {
    bnsend $1 server: $2
alias /bncurrent {
  if ($1 = all) {
    bnsendall current: $2
    } else {
    bnsend $1 current: $2
alias /bnauser {
  if ($1 = all) {
    bnsendall auser: $2 $3
    } else {
    bnsend $1 auser: $2 $3
alias /bnhelp {
  /window @bnhelp
  /loadbuf @bnhelp bnhelp.txt
alias /bndrop {
  bnerror dropping connection to bot $1 reason -- $2-
  sockclose BN- $+ $1
alias /bnconnect {
  /sockopen connect $1 $2
  set %bntmppass $3
on 1:sockread:connect:{
  set %bnloop 1
  sockread %bntemp
  echo %bntemp
  IF ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == name:) {
    echo sent to: $sockname ack: $crlf
    sockwrite $sockname ack: $crlf
    sockrename connect BN- $+ $gettok(%bntemp,2,32)
  unset %bntemp
if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == error:) {
  echo 4,1botnet error: $gettok(%bntemp,2-,32)

if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == success:) {
  echo 9,1botnet success: $gettok(%bntemp,2-,32)

if ($gettok(%bntemp,1,32) == notice:) {
  echo 8,1botnet notice: $gettok(%bntemp,2-,32)
unset %bntemp

and this goes in bnhelp.txt:
|       |\    /| | |\  ___   _   __  _____                      |
|       | \  / | | |/ |     |_| |  |   |    by Cobi             |
|       |  \/  | | |\ |___  |_| |__|   |   irc.winbots.co.uk    |
|                     _                                         |
|       |  | |\ | |/ |_  |\                                     |
|       |_ | | \| |\ |_  |/                                     |
|       _________________|\___________                          |
|                                                               |
|       ------------------------commands----------------------  |
|      | /bnping <bot|all> -- pings a bot                     | |
|      | /bnop <chan> <nick> -- ops a nick on a channel       | |
|      | /bndeop <chan> <nick> -- deops a nick on a channel   | |
|      | /bnvoice <chan> <nick> -- voice a user on a chan     | |
|      | /bndevoice <chan> <nick> -- devoice a nick on a chan | |
|      | /bnhop <chan> <nick> -- halfops a nick on a channel  | |
|      | /bndehop <chan> <nick> -- dehalfops a nick on a chan | |
|      | /bnrejoin <bot|all> <chan> -- rejoins bot to channel | |
|      | /bnjoin <bot|all> <chan> -- joins bot to channel     | |
|      | /bnpart <bot|all> <chan> -- parts bot from channel   | |
|      | /bnmode <chan> <mode> -- changes a channel mode      | |
|      | /bntopic <chan> <topic> -- changes a channel topic   | |
|      | /bnerror <bot|all> <msg> -- sends a botnet error msg | |
|      | /bnsuccess <bot|all> <msg> -- sends success msg      | |
|      | /bnnotice <bot|all> <msg> -- sends notice msg        | |
|      | /bnserver <bot|all> <server> -- connects to server   | |
|      | /bncurrent <bot|all> <server> -- changes current svr | |
|      | /bnauser <bot|all> <user> <level> -- adds a user     | |
|      | /bnhelp -- shows this msg                            | |
|      | /bndrop <bot> <reason> -- sends reason, drops socket | |
|      | /bnconnect <ip> <port> <pass> -- connects to a botnet| |
|      | /bnsay <bot|all> <chan> <msg> -- says a msg in a chan| |
|      | /bnact <bot|all> <chan> <msg> -- acts a msg in a chan| |
|      | /bnkick <chan> <nick> <reason> -- kicks a nick out   | |
|      | /bnlisten -- listens for bot connections             | |
|      |______________________________________________________| |

NOTE: each bot will need to be connected to another... like if you had three bots... you would connect bot 1 to bot 2 and bot 3... you would connect bot 2 to bot 3(already connected to bot 1)... and you wouldnt have to connect bot 3 to anything(already connected to bot 1 and bot 2 cause they connected to you)