Bug #1
Short description: when stripping control codes (with $strip) from text, if there is a control code between two spaces, the spaces will not be collapsed properly - the stripped text will appear as containing only one space, but in fact will contain two (or more).
Long description: http://www.wingedspirit.net/mircscripts/archives/002458.html (with example, and a workaround for scripters who run into this problem)

Bug #2:
Short description: when logging the status window using the "include network" and "make folder" options, the status logfiles end up in the wrong folders (subfolders of a folder, rather than subfolders of the main logs folder), unless you do some acrobatic option-setting.
Long description: http://www.wingedspirit.net/mircscripts/archives/002459.html (includes workaround)

I can't be the first one to run into these things, but the search option found me nothing? confused

Unknown error. (A)bort, (R)etry, (I)nfluence with large hammer?