i have far more than 60 open chans.. and i dont want to talk about how many open querys. but everytime my mouse is gettin out of energie (its a wireless mouse) id love to have a function to switch to some channels.. by keyboard. wink dont want to put my coffe out of the other hand. *g*
i have scripts that toggle me thru highligted windows by pressing just one key, but direct acces would be great... why dont usin the numpad to access up to 999 chans? holding ALT pressing 3 numbers release ALT, Jump?
ive really long fingers so i can hold left ALT + pressing numbad with the thumb grin so i can still drink my coffe

Last edited by Codeq; 22/01/03 05:48 AM.

Codeq (J. Diel)
euIRCnet LocOp (irc.hes.de.euirc.net)
http://coding-board.de | www.euirc.net