well, i would post a link, but... well... i dont have a link to post crazy

someone else had the dll in their script, and i just used it...

it is a very common dll in MSN Messenger scripts :

im beary confused! crazy
here is my current code (with stdcall put in there grin):
function msnp(mWnd, aWnd: HWND; var data, parms: PChar; show, nopause:boolean): integer; stdcall; external 'MSN\ssl.dll' name 'msnp8';

function ssl(data2: PChar): String;
var data,parms: PChar;
    mWnd,aWnd: HWND;
    show,nopause: boolean;
  data := pchar(username + ' > ' + pword + ' > ' + data2);
  parms := '';
  mWnd := Chatting.Handle;
  aWnd := mWnd;
  show := false;
  nopause := true;
  ssl := string(data);
'username' and 'pword' are predefined to be the username and password of the user.
Chatting is my main form.

Last edited by AdmWiggin; 25/02/04 01:39 PM.

I may be insane, but I enjoy it!