Ok I've got these codes as belows that alter the default <nickname> into |Nickname| but one of the problems with this is that I have trouble highlighting lines where $me is mentioned. Would appreciate if help is given.

A second question would be to ask HOW MANY other problems would there possibly be with codes that replace original text like the one below?

on ^*:TEXT:*:#:{
if ($nick isop $chan) { echo $colour(normal) -mit $chan 12| $+ @ $+ $nick $+ 12| $1- | halt }
elseif ($nick isvoice $chan) { echo $colour(normal) -mit $chan 12| $+ + $+ $nick $+ 12| $1- | halt }
elseif ($nick isreg $chan) { echo $colour(normal) -mit $chan 12| $+ $nick $+12 12| $1- | halt }

on *:INPUT:#:{
if ($me isop $chan) && ($left($1,1) != /) { echo $colour(own) -mat 4| $+ @ $+ $me $+ 4| $1- | .msg $active $1- | /halt }
elseif ($me isvo $chan) && ($left($1,1) != /) { echo $colour(own) -mat 4| $+ + $+ $me $+ 4| $1- | .msg $active $1- | /halt }
elseif ($me isreg $chan) && ($left($1,1) != /) { echo $colour(own) -mat 4| $+ $me $+ 4| $1- | .msg $active $1- | /halt }

Live my life for a day.. I'll show you where I've been.