As dave said, it's not very likely to have such a thing in the mirc language, but you can use such a snipplet to space out values by padding it with other characters. I wrote this snipplet a while go for making columns and tables and such, but can be used for your implimentation.

(To keep the formatting, copy to wordpad first (start>>Run>>"wordpad") then copy from wordpad to mirc)
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; $pad(string, width, align, [pad_chr])
; align is assumed left if unspecified, otherwise use left,right,center
; exaple:
;  /echo -a $pad(Name, 16, center) $pad(Mail, 32, center) $pad(url, 50, center)
;  /echo -a $pad(KingTomato, 16) $pad(, 32) $pad(, 50)
; you can also use another pad character, other than character 160 (default) by specifying
; it after the alignment. This char can be either the numerical value for the character,
; the character itself, or a string of characters (such as doing [bold][space][bold])
; example:
;  /echo -a $pad(Table Of Contents, 25) Page
;  /echo -a $pad(Introduction, 25, left, .) 1
;  /echo -a $pad(Chapter 1, 25, left, .) 4
;  /echo -a $pad(Chapter 2, 25, left, .) 15
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/pad {
  var %padChr = $iif($4, $iif($4 isnum, $chr($4), $4), $chr(160))
  if ($2 <= $len($1)) return $1
  if ($3 == right) return $+($str(%padChr,$calc($2 - $len($1))), $1)
  else if ($3 == center) {
    var %left = $int($calc(($2 - $len($1)) / 2))
    return $+($str(%padChr,%left), $1, $str(%padChr,$calc(($2 - $len($1)) - %left)))
  return $+($1, $str(%padChr,$calc($2 - $len($1))))
; eof - KingTomato
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
