I see that this is one of the issues on which we'll just have to agree to disagree

(I'm a great believer in being willing to discuss any subject on the condition that we all start by accepting that there are at least two points of view, neither of which is necessarily correct!)
My personal feeling is that mIRC is still
so dominant as a client that were it to change the standard, everyone else would eventually follow suit. Arrogance? maybe... so it goes!
I agree with Watchdog that the authors of other clients would rapidly update them to handle the extra colour capability - it would, after all, be in their interest to do so if mIRC led off on this, wouldn't it?
On the other hand, it's also painfully clear that many people DON'T upgrade their clients - often because the upgrade breaks their own and/or favourite scripts. But a nice glossy new feature like extra colours would almost certainly encourage more people to upgrade, which would in turn reduce the number of exploitable clients out there... just a thought!