Here's an example:
On @*:join:[color:blue]#teenworld[/color],[color:blue]#20+[/color]:{
  if $hget(whois,0).item < 3 {
    ; The hash table "whois" stores the nicks you are doing a WHOIS on.
    hadd -mu20 whois $nick #
    whois $nick
raw *:*:{
  ; 310-320 is the range of WHOIS replies.
  if $numeric isnum 310-320 && $hget(whois,$2) {
    if $numeric == 320 {
      [color:green]echo -s Name: $2 - Age: $gettok($4,1,47) - Sex: $gettok($4,2,47)[/color]
    if $numeric == 318 { 
      ; 318 = End of WHOIS
      hdel whois $2

To know what a specific command does, type /help /command. See the gree line? This informal /echo can be replaced with anything else. For example -
    if $numeric == 320 {
      var %nick = $2
      var %chan = $hget(whois,$2)
      var %age = $gettok($4,1,47)
      if %chan == #teenworld && %age >= 20 {
        notice %nick Man, you're too old for %chan
      elseif %chan == #20+ && %age < 20 {
        kick %chan %nick See you in #teenworld

I hope it wasn't too complicated...
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