Anything is possible... though we have too little to go by to tell exactly what you're doing or want.

You may find $readini and /writeini especially helpful for Help Macro type scripts.
For Example: (very basic example... add bounds checking to taste.)
on *:TEXT:*!help *:*:{
  var %keyword = $2
  var %info = $readini(help.ini,help,%keyword)
  msg $chan Help for %keyword -- %info

the contents of your help.ini file would look like this.
LOL       = Laughing Out Loud!
ROFL      = Rolling On the Floor, Laughing!
RTFM      = Read The Flippin` Manual!
OMGLOLBBQ = I'm Being Obnoxious Now!

The user would simply type this in the channel:

<SomDumFoo> !help ROFL

- Raccoon

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!