i had some time to kill, so wrote this for you.

It seems to work ok, as far as i tested it.

; Input is not sent to channel until you press - (minus) on its own on a line
; I played with using $ctrlenter as the despooler trigger, but it was effected by ctrl-v inserts to the line, setting it off if the line exceeded the input buffer length.
on *:input:*:{
  ; only acts on input from a channel and not if it starts with a / unless its a /me
  if ( $chan != $null ) && ( ( $left($1,1) != / ) || ( $1 == /me ) ) {
    var %cid.chan = $+($cid,.,$chan)
    if ( $hget( [ $+(Input.Buffer.,%cid.chan) ] ,0 ).item == 0 ) {
      hfree -w [ $+(Input.Buffer.,%cid.chan) ]
      hmake [ $+(Input.Buffer.,%cid.chan) ]
    ; Input Spooler
    if ( $1- != - ) {
      var %count = $hget( [ $+(Input.Buffer.,%cid.chan) ] ,0).item
      var %pos = 1
      var %text = $mid($1-,%pos,400)
      while ( %text != $null ) {
        if ( $len($deltok(%text,-1,32)) < 370 ) {
          %text = $left(%text,370)
          inc %pos 370
        else {
          %text = $deltok(%text,-1,32)
          inc %pos $len(%text)
          inc %pos
        inc %count
        hadd [ $+(Input.Buffer.,%cid.chan) ] %count %text
        var %text = $mid($1-,%pos,400)
    ; Input Despooler
    else {
      if ($gettok($hget( [ $+(Input.Buffer.,%cid.chan) ] , 1),1,32) == /me ) {
        var %describe = $true
        hadd [ $+(Input.Buffer.,%cid.chan) ] 1 $gettok($hget( [ $+(Input.Buffer.,%cid.chan) ] , 1),2-,32)
      else {
        var %describe = $false
      var %count = 1
      var %total = $hget( [ $+(Input.Buffer.,%cid.chan) ] ,0).item
      while (%count <= %total ) {
        ;$iif((%describe = $true),describe,msg) $chan $iif((%count > 1),<-cont->) $hget( [ $+(Input.Buffer.,%cid.chan) ] , %count) $iif((%count < %total),<-next->,<-end->)
        ;^ above remarked as it would flood me off the irc server
        .timer 1 %count $iif((%describe = $true),describe,msg) $chan $iif((%count > 1),<-cont->) $hget( [ $+(Input.Buffer.,%cid.chan) ] , %count) $iif((%count < %total),<-next->,<-end->)
        ;^ above timer used instead to timer the messages out.
        %describe = $false
        inc %count
      hfree -w [ $+(Input.Buffer.,%cid.chan) ]
    ; Spooled or Despooled halt the original text

I dont think the [ ] were needed in here at all actually but i left them in just in case, some times i have found you need em for some things, and others you dont