Wow, thanks for all the great suggestions...I'm just now getting started on implementing them and testing to see what kind of performance boost I can get...

The source data is simple, I get lists of files sorted by folders, filter all the lines containing :\ (indicating directory info) and then go through each line to make sure each folder is created (since you may have a c:\blah without ever having just c:\)...

here's an example of the source data...

D:\Rob\Music\CD Covers\
D:\Rob\Music\Music Videos\
D:\Rob\Music\MusicMatch Music\2001\
D:\Rob\Music\MusicMatch Music\CD Italian\
D:\Rob\Music\MusicMatch Music\Heavier Things\
D:\Rob\Music\MusicMatch Music\Riverhead (Bonus Disc)\
D:\Rob\Music\MusicMatch Music\Riverhead\
D:\Rob\Music\MusicMatch Music\title\

Thanks again,