Below is an alias I wrote to read a list of directories from a window and create the directory structure in an mdx treeview dialog. It also adds the data to a window so it can be referenced later to show the contents of the directory. I'm trying to speed things up but I'm out of ideas, anyone have any suggestions???


alias MTloaddirs {
  var %blah = $ticks
  var %numlines = $line(@AG7-Data,0)
  var %j = 1
  var %title = $dialog(treetest).title
  while (%j <= %numlines) {
    var %i = 1
    var %line = $replace($line(@AG7-Data,%j),$chr(32),$chr(95)) , %treeline
    var %numtok = $numtok(%line,92)
    while (%i <= %numtok) {
      var %temp = $left(%line,$pos(%line,$chr(92),%i))
      var %temp2 = $left(%line,$pos(%line,$chr(92),$calc(%i - 1)))
      if (!$hget(MTlistview,%temp)) {
        hadd MTlistview %temp 2
        if ((%i != 1) && (%root != 1)) { 
          did -i treetest 1 1 cb root %root %treeline
          did -a treetest 1 + 2 3 0 0 0 $replace($gettok(%temp,$numtok(%temp,92),92),$chr(95),$chr(32))
          aline @AG7-Data2 $chr(9) %root %treeline $chr(9) %temp
        else {
          did -i treetest 1 1 cb root
          did -a treetest 1 + 1 1 0 0 0 $replace($gettok(%temp,$numtok(%temp,92),92),$chr(95),$chr(32))
          aline @AG7-Data2 $chr(9) $+ %treeline $+ $chr(9) %temp
        if (%i != 1) { hinc MTlistview %temp2 }
        else { inc %root } 
      if (%i != 1) var %treeline = %treeline $calc($hget(MTlistview,%temp2) - 1)
      inc %i
    inc %j
    dialog -t treetest %title LOADING ( $+ $int($calc(%j / %numlines * 100)) $+ % $+ )
  dialog -t treetest %title
  echo -s $calc($ticks - %blah)