I don't know if tihs has been posted, way too many posts to look through, if it has, my apologizes. I figured this out for myself and helped a few other people that had the same problem. The problem is, mIRC retreives the Internal IP either from the Router/NIC/Etc (not too sure if my terms are correct, not too familiar with this stuff yet). Anyways, here's a little script you can add in the Remotes section. (NOTE; If you're using a Vhost (virtual host) this won't work. The server you connect to gathers you're IP and Hostname supplied to you by your ISP not the Internal IP/Host. Here's the small code that should help:
if (($ip) && ($host)) { .localinfo $host $ip }

Hope this helps a few people smile

It's not in the GUI, it's in the source.