That doesn't seem to work.

Here is my code for storing a skill:

on *:dialog:new1:sclick:13:{
  if ($did(new1,5).state == 1) {
    hadd CharSheet Skills Culture:1$hget(CharSheet, Skills) .History:2 $&
      $hget(CharSheet, Skills) .Primitive Weaponry:2 $&
      $hget(CharSheet, Skills) .World Knowledge:2 
  hadd CharSheet HistorySpecs .Andorian:3
  hadd CharSheet CultureSpecs .Andorian:3

They are then called in a new dialog.

on *:dialog:sheet:init:0:{
  did -ra sheet 8 $hget(CharSheet, Template)
  didtok sheet 47 46 $hget(CharSheet, Skills)
on *:dialog:sheet:sclick:47:{
  did -r $dname 48
  didtok $dname 48 46 $hget(CharSheet, $+($remove($did(47).seltext, $chr(34)), Specs)) 

The skills are displayed in Listbox 47 during the on init event, and when, say "History:2" is clicked in this box, I would like the "HistorySpecs" to display in Listbox 48. However, since that "2" could change (as the player develops their character, for example), the code needs to work just as well if they click "History:1" or "History:5".

I'm stuck at this point, but if you know a way to help me out, please let me know smile

[EDIT: Added $& and a little formatting to shorten up the lines for the forum. No other changes. -Hammer]

Last edited by Hammer; 12/01/03 02:42 PM.

A poor life this, if full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.