Continuing from my earlier problems, I have now run into more trouble with my RPG utility.

I am in the process of making a section which will allow people to add skills to their character, based on their chosen Race - but each of these skills needs a level.

This is how each skill is currently added to a Hash Table (named CharSheet):
{ hadd CharSheet Skill Athletics $hget(CharSheet, Skill) .Climbing $hget(CharSheet, Skill) .Running }

Quite straightforward, and the skils are written into a listbox (id 47) when the dialog displaying them is initialised:

on *:dialog:sheet:init:0:{

didtok sheet 47 46 $hget(CharSheet, Skill)


But now, I want to also set the "value" of these "Athletics" skill to 1. I assume I'd need to do something like this:

hadd CharSheet Skill Athletics 1 $hget(CharSheet,Skill) .Climbing 1 $hget(CharSheet, Skill) .Running 1

I may be wrong about that, so any help would be appreciated. Now, I have 2 questions:

1) Is there a way to set the value of these "skills" to 1, but not display the number in the same listbox? Ideally, I would like this number to be seen elsewhere - in a different box.

2) I am also trying to devise a way that by the click of a certain button control, this number could be increased (i.e. make Athletics = 2). How can I increment this value?

I don't even know if what I'm asking is possible (I could be going about this in completely the wrong way), but any help would be greatly appreciated.

A poor life this, if full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.