I recommend combining the "Files > Order..." feature with "Edit > More Files... [CTRL+M]"

They are essentially the same dialog, except one displays files in alpha order with an auto-complete, while the other displays files in priority order with up/down arrows. There has to be some way the two functions can co-exist in the same space.

As for the View menu, I would prefer "More..." that displays a sub-menu of more selections. An option should be added which allows the user to specify how many items appear in the menu before breaking them into a submenu. This would allow the user to specify a value of "9", so one can navigate with their keyboard like so...

"Alt+R (remotes) > Alt+V (View) > 0 (More...) > 0 (More...) > 5 (twenty-third_script.mrc)"

Because only 9 files will appear per menu, "More..." would be assigned the "0" hotkey allowing greater keyboard navigation. laugh

- Raccoon

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!