Some IRCDs use /nickserv now ; so my earlier concerns with this a few years ago are answered. But not all do.

Then there are points where some networks in fact use different service names (though it's not very common), and that is what this is aimed to solve.

Most scripts will be in fact coded for the default names, but this can cause some problems with those very specific cases.

On top of this, normal scripts can sometimes be triggered by people using false nicks.

I don't care if I even have to populate the values myself, though it'd be nick to have say $services($network) to return the format of Nickserv,Chanserv,MemoServ,OperServ. Then you can be like

on *:notice:*:?:{
  if ($nick isin $services($network)) {
    blah blah blah

The SERVICES= function could be something like

At the very least, you would know that it was default network services that triggered the event.