Ditto to DekuHaze - Thanks for sharing your experience with us, it was a good read (thank GOD you can speak good English :P)

I've seen numerous articles about how mIRC has changed people's lives, through ezines, comment boxes and forum posts on various websites - it really is quite amazing. Whilst mIRC has clearly changed your life in a much bigger scale than most, I think it's changed a lot of people's lives at a much smaller scale too. After all, the majority of the population don't talk to hundreds of people from all corners of the Earth every day of their lives - but those of us that have been lucky enough to find mIRC (or IRC in general really) get to have this priviledge sitting in our own homes that we can turn on or off at our leisure, whenever we wish!

To have created a program that is as successful as this, and which at the same time has changed so many people's lives and linked so many people together, truly is an amazing feat.

Thanks to everyone involved in the making and sustaining of mIRC.

