I dont think this is quite the same as the previosul CTCP resume post as there is NO filename being displayed at all, hence missing parameter.

/debug -p @debug
gives :

-> irc.mircx.com privmsg XdccServerName :XDCC send #2
<- :XdccServerName!hidden@i.am.not.here.com NOTICE yakumo` :*** Sending you pack #2 ("knoppix_custom.tar"), which is 759MB (resume supported)
<- :XdccServerName!hidden@i.am.not.here.com PRIVMSG yakumo` :DCC SEND knoppix_custom.tar 2254884517 32774 795589778
-> irc.mircx.com PRIVMSG XdccServerName :DCC RESUME "" 32774 20122584
<- :XdccServerName!hidden@i.am.not.here.com PRIVMSG yakumo` :DCC ACCEPT "" 32774 20122584

script generated error msg :[15:58:00] ??? ยข Invalid DCC from XdccServerName - Missing parameters (DCC ACCEPT "" 32774 20122584)

i've tried a totally clean install of mirc 6.1 /6.11 no scripts, same problem so it's mirc itself not my scripts, 6.03 = no problems at all, clean or with scripts. totally disabeling my firewall doesn't help fix the problem at all ,

any help greatly appreciated, i don't want to be stuck with 6.03 frown
