I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have every scripting command disbaled from the command line, by default. Ofcourse there would be an exception for commands like /me. Atleast then, the ignorant user has to accept a file to harm himself. There could be a Dialog similair to the DCC ignore dialog made for this feature. Command line is re-disabled after 3 minutes or so.

Most newbies don't need the ability to execute powerful commands from the chat window. Most advanved users would have no problem going to mIRC options, and enabling the ability. I think it would end these problems once and for all, And wouldn't harm the advanced user.

There are commands in mIRC that can ruin your operating system, from the chat window, Again, that power isn't needed by the newbie. It makes mIRC look bad, and even though we shouldn't coddle 'ignorant' people, there's also no reason to make life so easy for wicked people.

Also people have used the possible abuse of this power to deny useful feature requests such as $regread. So it is already a problem for advanced user and newbie alike. Right now we have to be very careful of what is added to mIRC incase a newbie get's screwed with it in a chat window..