Dear mIRC-developer-crew,

recently the amount of take-overs and auth-hacks terribly increased @ quakenet. The the scheme the overtakers/hackers use is almost always the same. They try to make the "victim" execute a command, which has to do with the function "play". Mostly it is used as "/play perform.ini" or "//.play $decode(stuff,which,means,nick+perform.ini)".

I would like to suggest a new feature for future versions, the so-called "newbie-mode" (or however it should be called), which detects (if activated), whenever a harmfull script-code should be executed, stop the execution (or don't let it start), until the user confirms, that he wants the script to be executed. A notice about the harm (auth-hack, takeover, etc.) that could be caused by the script would be very usefull. This way the users had the chance to avoid being auth-hacked. This mode should be enabled by default, and there should be a checkbox added at "options" to enable/disable this mode.

This feature would make quakenet a more peaceful place i guess. I would really appreciate a feature like that.

Thanks for your attention.

Best regards

Andy Z.