Thanks Raccoon. It's nice when someone contributes more useful information to a topic. I changed my router and mIRC configuration as you suggested. Do you have any thoughts about the problem of getting routers to handle identd for multiple computers running mIRC? I got my D-Link DI-604 to grudgingly do that, except I have to mess with it every time I reboot it.

I've used some of the Sysinternals programs before, but I keep forgetting to check their site.

I write and troubleshoot TCP/IP network stacks and drivers for a process control company. I've found that every TCP/IP implementation, and every application program do things a little differently. I'm curious if mIRC uses the asynchronous, Windows message driven interface to WINSOCK, or if it uses the unix-style multi-threaded approach to handling connections.

Last edited by erikw; 09/10/03 02:09 PM.