"Think before you speak, would you?"
Im sorry for the one I replied to your first one, but just trying personal jibs doesnt get either of us anywhere.

You may have missed what i was meaning. varables may hold the actual commands you want to perform, hers some examples...

/set1 { set %c echo | set %l -s }
/set2 { set %c write | set %l test.txt }
/set3 { set %c aline | set %l @blah | window @blah }
/set4 { set %c myalias | set %l }
/test { %c %l this is a test }

Dependent on the values of %c (& %l) a different command (and location) are selected. This can be used to route output to a status window, a file, custom window, or a alias called myalias without having to call a routine to deal with where its going, which would increase over all proccessing time.

you might also have something like this where you have unknown calculations to make....

/is { tokenize 32 $1- | return $iif(( $calc( $1-3 ) $4 $5 ),$true,$false) }
/test { echo -a $is($1-) }
>> //test 23 + 43 != 66 >> $false
>> //test 12 * 12 > 100 >> $true

Im not sure what you were saying below that about, having to run the script before seeing it, I load scripts into Mirc and and look at them before they are run all the time. Thus if they were blocked from being copied, you could still examine it before execution