Well, the editor has never evaluated things like $os before. It's just Notepad with added features like a {} button.

I'm just suggesting the actual editor window be removed from mIRC's innards. Instead when you press ALT+R or click the toolbar icon, it will launch mircedit.exe. An editor window will appear as it currently does, but this time you can choose to use Khaled's built-in editor, or one with more options.

The reason the internal editor would be removed is so open source editors can be equally integrated with mIRC using the same channel of communication to /reload and whatnot. I suppose this can already be done with SendMessage, but I'm not sure how completely.

I would rather see an external editor that grows to 5MB with all sorts of bells and whistles, than watch mirc.exe blimp out of control.

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!