You could write your own rollback with a bit of effort.

When the DCC fails, remove 20K off the top of the file and resume the DCC.

/btrunc $filename $iif($calc($file($filename).size - 20 * 1024 ) > 0, $ifmatch, 0)

If you wish to verify the integrity of the old data to the resume data, dump the 20K to a temporary file and note the size (position) of the file you're resuming. You can then read the temporary file and the 20K sector of the new file into Binary Variables and compare them with $crc or $md5 (I'd use $crc because $md5 has a bug). This can be done after the DCC completes or after 20K has been resumed while it still downloads.

I'm not sure what you mean by "/timer one".

- Raccoon

Last edited by Raccoon; 23/09/03 02:04 PM.

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!