Thx, but sorry, i need Real HostName of Flooder, my server set +x when user connect, +x is hide Real HostName of user, everytime i use gline command i must whois user to take Real HostName of user then copy Real HostName to Gline Command then ... enter wink
You can help me creat Gline Command on the Pupop Menus like:
.Gline:gline $$1 ( Without Whois part, <time> set 86400, <reason> set Flooder )
Note: Gline Command is /gline *@RealHostName <time> :<reason>
This is my whois message:
aZnLupin is * mircscript build 7000 beta-6
aZnLupin Is Using modes [+abfghikmnoprswxzACGMPWZR]
aZnLupin Real Hostname
aZnLupin has identified for this nickname
aZnLupin on @#lobby @#help
aZnLupin using Vietnamese IRC Network
aZnLupin is an IRC Administrator on Vietnamese IRC Network
aZnLupin is a Services Root Administrator on Vietnamese IRC Network
aZnLupin is available for help.
aZnLupin is a Server Bot on
aZnLupin has been idle 5mins 23secs, signed on Mon Dec 09 15:28:09
Pls help me !!!