alias looptest echo -a while: $wtest ~ goto: $gtest
alias wtest {
  var %ticks = $ticks,%i = 0
  while (%i != 5000) inc %i
  return $calc(($ticks - %ticks) / 1000)
alias gtest {
  var %ticks = $ticks,%i = 0
  if (%i != 5000) {
    inc %i
    goto start
  return $calc(($ticks - %ticks) / 1000)

type /looptest


//timer 10 2 looptest

while: 0.093 ~ goto: 0.141
while: 0.093 ~ goto: 0.141
while: 0.093 ~ goto: 0.141
while: 0.093 ~ goto: 0.141
while: 0.093 ~ goto: 0.141
while: 0.093 ~ goto: 0.141
while: 0.093 ~ goto: 0.141
while: 0.093 ~ goto: 0.141
while: 0.093 ~ goto: 0.157
while: 0.109 ~ goto: 0.141

while: 0.125 ~ goto: 0.187
while: 0.125 ~ goto: 0.156
while: 0.125 ~ goto: 0.171
while: 0.14 ~ goto: 0.188
while: 0.156 ~ goto: 0.219
while: 0.125 ~ goto: 0.171
while: 0.125 ~ goto: 0.171
while: 0.14 ~ goto: 0.156
while: 0.125 ~ goto: 0.171
while: 0.125 ~ goto: 0.171

hmmm .. 6.1 consistently slower .. and it's not connected at
all while 6.03 is connected to 3 networks, 10 channels total.

Last edited by r0ck0; 15/09/03 03:28 PM.