I think I've found a possible bug with the /cnick command.
To reproduce this, use a clean install of mIRC, join any channel, type /cnick -am1 * 12 (the 12 can be any color of your choice). This should set Any Nick (Any Mode) [m] in the colors tab of the aBook, which should color any nickname in any message blue (or whatever color you specified), but it only sets it for one connection id (usually the first listed in the switchbar).

I've tried entering the command before joining the channel, hopping the channel after the command has been entered, and finally entering the same settings via the aBook dialog itself. All of which have the same result. I'm using a clean install of mIRC 6.1, the only script I have loaded is an 'on NOTICE' event used to auto-id with NickServ.

- Jason