Okay, I managed to get the feature working. You have to have "Move to top of list on connect" checked in the connection options. And before some of you get excited and start saying "Ha ha moron! ofcourse the feature wont work without that..". Checking that box does not make the feature work alone. What you have to do is go to the connect dialog and select your server, Press the Sun icon a few times, Connect. If the feature doesn't appear to work yet, keep repeating the process, eventually it will. Also try clicking from "Connect" and "Servers" a few times in the treeview.

I installed mIRC clean over about 5 times trying to reproduce clear steps to make it work, but was unable too, So sorry.. you have to play around with those instructions.. it will spontaneously start working for you eventually..

When you get it to work once, it seems to keep working after that...