[color:green]; to set a default password when you load the script[/color]
on *:LOAD: {
  [color:green]; probably obsolete, but check for an existing pass nonetheless[/color]
  if (!%mypassword) { 
    set %mypassword $md5(password) 
    echo -a Your default password is [color:red]password[/color]. Please change it with the popups!
[color:green] [/color]
[color:green]; expanded popups: added one to change the pass and to login[/color]
menu status,menubar {  
Password system
  .$iif($group(#login) != on,Enable,Disable) Password System:$iif($group(#login) != on,.enable,.disable) #login
  .Change password:newpass

Of course you might wanna expand by only displaying the last two popups when the system is active, but I can't get that to work out on this box.

DALnet #Helpdesk
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius