What is the exact part of the code you are having trouble with? The changing, the logging in?

If it is logging in, I'd prolly use something like this. I will not store passwords themselves, but I will store them encrypted.

alias newpass {
  [color:green]; $md5 - I work with encrypted passwords only[/color]
  [color:green]; $input - because it is more versatile than $?[/color]
  if ($md5($input(Input password:,p,input request)) == %mypassword) {
    [color:green]; user input his correct password[/color]
    [color:green]; input the pass twice to prevent typos![/color]
    var %pass1 = $md5($input(Enter new password:,p,input request))
    var %pass2 = $md5($input(Confirm new password:,p,input request))
    if (%pass1 == %pass2) {
      [color:green]; two entered passes are the same[/color]
      set %mypassword %pass1
      echo -a Your password has been changed.
    else {
      [color:green]; two entered passes are different[/color]
      echo -a You entered two different passwords. Your password has not been changed.
  else {
    [color:green]; user input a wrong password[/color]
    echo -a You have entered the wrong password.

You could of course make this nicer by adding popups boxes for the messages instead of using echo...

Then for the authentication (assuming one gets 3 tries...)

[color:green]; a group to enable/disable the login code[/color]
#login on
alias login {
  var %x = 1
  [color:green]; allow for 3 attempts[/color]
  while (%x <= 3) {
    if ($md5($input(Input password:,p,input request)) == %mypassword) {
      [color:green]; user has entered his password[/color]
      echo -a Password accepted!
      guser IDENTIFIED $nick 3
      [color:green]; stop processing or he will be asked again![/color]
    else {
      [color:green]; user provided a wrong password[/color]
      echo -a You provided the wrong password. Please try again!
  else {
    [color:green]; Sorry, only 3 attempts allowed[/color]
    echo -a You have tried to identify 3 times and failed. Goodbye.
#login end

And of course the necessary popups to turn the group on and off:

menu status,menubar {
  $iif($group(#login) != on,Enable,Disable) Password System:$iif($group(#login) != on,.enable,.disable) #login

This is of course the very basics. I used the /guser to add the user to a userlist, then I would give access to people who have identified via the userlist (on LEVEL:EVENT.....)

DALnet #Helpdesk
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius