I personally wouldn't mind seeing the script editor separated from mIRC as it's own program. mIRC is nice and small at under 3 megs-- writing a comprehensive syntex checking/ coloring editor would probably push that well over 5 megs.

It wouldn't be difficult presently to use an external script editor program. mIRC has the option to monitor when external changes to a script file take place, so it can reload that file when necessary. Alt+R > Options > Monitor File Changes. You can also write your own editor that communicates with mIRC via DDE or Send Message, commanding mIRC to load/reload/unload... etc etc.

I think an external editor could even be made open source, allowing others to contribute to the effort, or let them modify the syntex-checking to conform to their own scripting style. An internal editor could not be made open source, though.

- Raccoon

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!