Well imho, all Khaled did was prevent the "legitimate" people from editting it. I.e., the people who are translating mIRC into another language. The people who want to edit the version reply, they're gonna get around this no problem at all. mIRC probably just does a CRC32 or MD5 on it's exe file to see if it matches some internal value. So what do you do? You modify where mIRC stores the internal value and set it to the value of the exe after you made the changes. The people who want to edit mIRC for "illegal" purposes are going to figure out how to do it anyway, all Khaled did was prevent the people who just want mIRC to display in Spanish from translating it. Is translating really illegal? Yeah, but seeing as how Khaled still hasn't added translation support (yet another feature neglected for 6.1), I think it's at least a legitimate thing to do, that is, unless Khaled has decided he doesn't want people in other countries to use mIRC.