i think some bug is preventing alias Fxx in remotes from working (works on 6.03)

using AMIP:
alias f12 wa-sin
alias wa-sin {
  if ($dde(mPlug,format, "%name") != $null) {
    if ($active != Status window) { /me plays $dde(mPlug,format, "%name") $dde(mPlug,format, "[%br~ $+ Kbps/%min:%sec~ $+ m/%sr~ $+ KHz]") }
    else { /echo spins ? $dde(mPlug,format, "%name") ? $dde(mPlug,format, "%br~ $+ Kbps") $dde(mPlug,format, "%min:%sec~ $+ m") $dde(mPlug,format, "%sr~ $+ KHz") ? }
  else {
    echo you dont have winamp running, or
    echo you dont have the plugin installed or loaded in winamp (http://amip.tools-for.net/index.php?content=download) or
    echo enable AIMP, and disable irc integration.

may death strike you.