Replying to my self uhu grin i came to think of that every msg my script have in it using: .msg .. so that should make the msg hidden for me right? but still i can tee that thing happen somtimes.. every thing i say or being said to me is echoed to me.. same with all channel modes and everything.. so thats why i hide everything i sending to another ppl.. .notice nick - .msg nick and so on.. so this driving me nutts, cant get a hold on what that can cosing it to happen.. and if everything is done with that "dot", then it shouldent show me att all when that message comes from time to time, still i can be able to see it somthimes.. and somtimes i dont.. confused
and what does that -> ISON nick mean? i have that nick yes.. but why do it keep on repeating that? or do mirc it self check from time to time i still have the same nick?? i dont understand that part..

i just got this from mirc.. and i put my "flood protection" in mir realy low..

[23:42] -> PRIVMSG my_nick :FLOODCHECK

so hmm.. maybe this is a bug of som type?

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }