I wrote every singel line in the script.. and i now have 13 files in it.. and not a single one of them have that word in them, ascii or no ascii .. so im 100% shure its not in my script.. and i cant think of any other program i using having it ether.. so it must come from somwhere, and when i know for shure its displayed in mirc, then i asume it comming from mirc.exe it self.. and thats why i asking if somone kno what word mirc have inside of it? "as a tigger for the flood prot" it have its own flood protection, and i was thinking that maybe the "max lines in buffer" was cosing somthing to happen.. im not on allot of channels, but i running 4 copys of mirc from my comp now.. and one of them is a clean mirc, and the only place i see that message appear is in the client i have active.. or open behind a game or som other program.. confused

i see this in the debug window.. and i cant tell it thats the problem or not..

-> multiplay.uk.quakenet.org ISON nick
<- :multiplay.uk.quakenet.org 303 nick2 :nick

ISON nick = my nick i have on the server
nick2 = the nick i have on two other servers.
nick = my nick that i have in notify to see if that dude with my nick leaving irc so i can take my nick back.. and what i can tell by the raw 303, thats somthing with nicknames, but i cant see that it should send a message on a raw.. i update the colors on the nicklist with /who # .. and i only doing that cos i cant figure out a bether way to color the nicklist in any other way.. and i made that with a timer.. i cant use on join on modes, that can make me flood out if to many joins at the same time confused

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }