alias lag {
  if (%si.lag == 1) {
    if ($status == connected) {
      if ($dialog(si)) {
        if (!$hget(lag)) { .hmake lag 1000 | if ($isfile(lag.hsh)) { .hload lag lag.hsh } }
        if (!$1) { hadd lag ta $active | hadd lag ti $ticks | hadd lag se $server | $iif(!$hget(lag,$server),hadd lag $server 1 1) | .raw -q ping $server }
        elseif ($1 == free) && ($hget(lag)) { hfree lag | .hsave -o lag lag.hsh }
  else { halt }
on ^*:PONG:{
  var %s = $hget(lag,se),%l = $round($calc(($ticks - $hget(lag,ti)) / 1000),3),%i = $hget(lag,%s)
  if (%i == 1 1) { hadd lag %s %l %l }
  elseif ($gettok(%i,1,32) > %l) { hadd lag %s %l $gettok(%i,2,32) }
  elseif ($gettok(%i,2,32) < %l) { hadd lag %s $gettok(%i,1,32) %l }
  did -ra si 15 %l

im using a mdx progress bar here, and i was wondering if anyone can get it to work, because im on cable, and i dont lag, and i only know cable people, so if someone on dialup could test this code (because on my computer nothing at all is on the progress bar) i would be greatfull, i know all codes for mdx are set up right because i can manually add to the progress bar

Last edited by MTec89; 07/08/03 03:27 PM. #MTec89Net