Returns the A value with the Nth bit turned on.
Returns the A value with the Nth bit turned off.
Returns the natural logarithm of N.

$biton() and $bitoff() take a decimal value (a base 10 normal number) and returns the result if binary (base 2) bit N is turned into a 1 or a 0.

For Example:
base10 42 == base2 101010
To do this conversion, use $base(42,10,2)
$biton(42,1) == 43 101011
$bitoff(43,1) == 42 101010
Positions are counted backwards from right to left,
so 1 is the right-most position in red.

As for $log(N), you will simply have to take Geometry, Trig or Calculus to learn that. (i forget)

- Raccoon

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!