I'm refering to the User section in Remote, cos i have a auto op, voice, kick script it won't allow me to have celtic^star on User List more then once, i tried to have celtic^star as an autovoice in a channel and autokick on a channel, and they were completely different channels but still it would only let me have celtic^star in 1 user list
autokick:celtic^star!*@* #kevtest Flooding
autovoice:celtic^star!*@* #kevtest2
That's how i would like it to have, but it will only let me use 1 nickname, depending whatever the last command i use on it
I can add it manually and i'm sure it would work but it is a long way around things, i'm not sure if there's a conflict somewhere on the remote codes
on autoop:JOIN:#: if ( $ulist($maddress,autoop,1).info == $chan ) { mode $chan +o $nick }
on autovoice:JOIN:#: if ( $ulist($maddress,autovoice,1).info == $chan ) { mode $chan +v $nick }
on autokick:JOIN:#: if ( $gettok($ulist($maddress,autokick,1).info,1,32) == $chan ) { mode $chan +b $nick 2 | kick $chan $nick $gettok($ulist($maddress,autokick,1).info,2-,32) }
User Levels
.Auto Kick
..Add:/auser autokick $$1 $+ !*@* $chan $input(Enter Ban Reason:,eq,Ban Reason Needed) | ban $$1 2 | kick # $$1
..Remove:/ruser autokick $$1 $+ !*@*
..List:/ulist autokick
.Auto Op
..Add:/auser autoop $$1 $+ !*@* $chan | mode $chan +o $1
..Remove:/ruser autoop $$1 $+ !*@* | mode $chan -o $1
..List:/ulist autoop
.Auto Voice
..Add:/auser autovoice $$1 $+ !*@* $chan | mode $chan +v $1
..Remove:/ruser autovoice $$1 $+ !*@* | mode $chan -v $1
..List:/ulist autovoice