alias /test { dialog -m test test | did -r test 1 | var %x = $findfile(%mp3dir,*mp3,0,did -a test 1 $nopath($1-)) }
alias f1 test

dialog test {
title "moo"
size -1 -1 121 57
option dbu
list 1, 4 2 50 50, size
list 2, 68 2 50 50, size
button ">>", 3, 55 3 13 12
button "ok", 4, 58 32 8 12, ok

on *:dialog:test:sclick:3: {
; find how many lines are selected
var %i = $did($dname,1,0).sel
var %j = 1
; loop through them
while (%j <= %i) {
did -a $dname 2 $did($dname,1,$did($dname,2,%j).sel)
inc %j

thanks pheonix first the right list did nothing no it does a thing { flipping } :P
have a file selected and if i press >> first time white press 10 times than the first name of the mp3 dir appeared and then 10 times more the second did :P
how to solve that? i cant find a clue