* create a dialog gui with two listboxes and a few buttons (I use list ID,x y w h,sort extsel hsbar)
* when the button is pressed, read the lines in the left box one at a time and write them to the right box.
Something along the lines of:

on *:DIALOG:[color:red]tablename[/color]:SCLICK:[color:red]id-of->>-button[/color]: {
  ; [color:brown]find how many lines are selected[/color]
  var %i = $did($dname,[color:red]id-left[/color],0).sel 
  var %j = 1
  ; [color:brown]loop through them[/color]
  while (%j <= %i) { 
    did -a $dname [color:red]id-right[/color] $did($dname,[color:red]id-left[/color],$did($dname,[color:red]id-left[/color],%j).sel)
    inc %j

Parts in red need to be fixed up.

DALnet #Helpdesk
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Confucius